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Wednesday, 24.4.2024
Evander Template for uCoz
It is a very good-looking template for the websites in uCoz web service from web2feel. It is in bright colors. The template consists of two columns. It has a search form in the header, nice-looking horizontal menu with submenu, icon to add projects to popular social networks and a bookmark service. The template has a built-in Cufon plug-in with original font to display the logo of the website, headers of the sidecolumn and forums.
How to install?

The zip file contains the code of the skeleton in "tmpl.txt", images in the folder “images”, JavaScripts in the folder “js” and the set of styles in "stylesheet (CSS).txt".
To adjust the design of the skeleton to your website in uCoz web service you need to:

1. Upload folders “images” and “js” to the root directory of your FTP server.

2. Copy the code of the styles "stylesheet (CSS).txt" and save it with the help of menu item “Design management (CSS)”.

3. Copy the code of the skeleton and insert it in the menu item “Template builder”.

Attention!!! You need to set the value of the tag for the correct display of the skeleton. (Control panel->Common settings):

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

Good luck!